Your love, O' Lord ,reaches to the heavens, your
faithfulness to the sky...

Monday, May 4, 2009

What Doug does....

So, it has come to my attention recently that this blog- which is suppose to be about the adventures of Doug and Kim -has really only been about my adventures. Of course there is a logical explanantion for this and that is that Doug is overseas and has no time to report his adventures. Plus, for security reasons he cannot necessarily disclose all of his activities even to me- let alone post a blog about it. So, since I really have no idea what adventures he is partaking in (other than flying a plane- which is pretty exciting in iteself) I have decided to post my ideas of what Doug is possibly doing overseas. Here is what I think Doug has been up to for the past month:
Wine Tasting

Squid Fishing

Vampire Hunting

Ice making



Air guitar lessons

making hair wreaths..(I am not sure who is donating their hair to this endeavor but it is a noble and worthy cause..)

I hope this answers some of ya'll's questions about Doug's activities while he is overseas. I miss him a lot and can't wait til he comes home!


  1. I vote stapling. Let's face it... stapling is fun but yet practical. What would be more awesome is special ninja forces that use stapling as a weapon. Did I just write that out for everyone to see? Yeah. Dang internets.

  2. You know what else is crazy? The internets also knows not to post my comment to Texas time. It put it to Pacific Time. Weird...

  3. Yeah its because the internet knows ALL..its very weird but very true...

  4. hilarious! perhaps doug is also mining for diamonds
