Your love, O' Lord ,reaches to the heavens, your
faithfulness to the sky...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kim's Field Guide To Staying Busy...

Doug comes home in a little less than a week and I am SO excited! We haven't seen each other in over two months so the anticipation of his return is great. However, the anticipation always seems to peak at least two weeks before he is due home, and with only about 6 days left before his return, I am finding myself to be extremely impatient. Of course, since the last two weeks are always the hardest I am always trying to find things to do to keep myself busy..(which is pretty hard considering I have no job..)
So, I thought I would share what activities I have participated in recently in order to keep myself busy. I hope this helps you in case you ever find yourself anxiously awaiting something and if not, then please feel free to share your secrets of busyness with me..I need all the help I can get.

Sunday, May 17
Went to church
Took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon
Tried on all of the makeup I have ever owned for fun
Washed all of it off
Cleaned house

Monday, May 18
Spent all day on Facebook. Read every one's blogs, profiles, and looked at all of their pictures they have ever posted. Waited to do the Bible study for that evening until the afternoon..(not because I am lazy but because I knew earlier last week that I would need something to do on Monday.)
Had dinner with Heather that night -spent 20 minutes making a salad to take..(even though it was one of those salad mixes out of the bag)
Cleaned the house.

Tuesday, May 19
Get cavities filled by my Dentist. (Yes I did say cavities..stupid teeth) Offered to let other people go ahead of me and spent 45 minutes waiting in the waiting room for him to even see me. When dentist suggested follow up appointment, I begged (no really I did) for them to get me in as soon as possible. ( Hey, its another way to eat up time!)
Cleaned the house.

Wednesday, May 20
Watched a lot of TV in the morning. I am really beginning to like all these morning shows. (I learn so much!) Went to the grocery store and wandered around for awhile. Checked out what other people were buying..(hmmm ding dongs) Bought two items I thought I might need eventually. Had Bible study that night and waited to leave for the study until the last possible minute..(it made me feel like I had to rush to be somewhere..very invigorating..turns out I was still early)
Cleaned the house.

Thursday, May 21
Spent all morning posting a blog about how to stay busy to keep myself busy.
Cleaned the house

Man, its amazing how many things one can do to keep oneself occupied. Also, another field guide tip..purchase a TV and a cable will become your best friend...Seriously, I tell all of my secrets to my TV now and weird thing is I think its actually beginning to listen to me ...

But in all seriousness, I do feel blessed to have wonderful friends who call to check up on me and invite me to things, and its been a wonderful opportunity to spend some amazing quality time with the Lord....only 6 days left!


  1. I wish I was with you when you tried on all that makeup. Can we do that tonight please?!?!?! You're hilarious!!

  2. Here's a to-do list that I have compiled for you to help you stay busy these last few days before Doug gets home:
    1.) make arts and crafts projects out of Pumkin hair (examples include: kitty hair figurines, kitty hair necklaces, kitty hair modern art- the possibilities are endless!)
    2.) practice balancing kitchen objects on the tip of your nose. Start small with things like forks and measuring spoons, and go up from there!
    3.) Count your freckles and then name them.
    4.) Write a song to the tune of the construction noise across the street.
    5.) Play around in your closet until you come up with your very best Oak Harbor teenager outfit.
    6.) Do it all again!

    I hope you enjoy my suggestions! =)
