Your love, O' Lord ,reaches to the heavens, your
faithfulness to the sky...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Toto..I don't think we're in Washington anymore.....

That's because Saturday I was in Kentucky! Ok, not really- but I did go to Heather's Kentucky Derby party (one week after the race but she did DVR it!) Anyway, we all came in big hats and cute sundresses, drank mint juleps, played croquet, and of course watched the race.
Katie, Tree, and I pose with our croquet sticks before the big match.. (which actually only lasted about 10 minutes because it was pretty dang cold outside) I had never played croquet before and I have to say I still don't know how to play this game. We tried reading the rules while we played but it didn't really help. I think the real point of this game is to look cute in your hat and all I can say is ...Mission Accomplished.. (Come on don't we look cute? Except for the fact that you can't see our faces)
Don't we look like the Southern Ladies Book Club in this pic? I really feel blessed to have these gals in my life and they have made Washington an enjoyable place to live! By the way, our next book is Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe if you want to read along with us... (Seriously its a book but - I was just kidding about us reading it..=) )

Also, for those of you wondering what Doug and his crew were doing overseas for the Kentucky Derby, below is a pic of the guys at their party..(minus the mint juleps, croquet, the race, and of course sundresses with big hats...) Maybe next year Doug!


  1. i love it! let's read some faulkner next! my favorite is "a light in august".

  2. p.s. i want a copy of our hat picture! mine didn't turn out so well and it deserves a spot on my fridge! can you email it to me kim?

  3. also, doug is going to have some mighty fine arm muscles after moving all those sandbags. it will prepare him for all the manual labor that is to come with moving into your new house!

  4. I love the butt out pic! You could photoshop in some hats on the guys!
