Your love, O' Lord ,reaches to the heavens, your
faithfulness to the sky...

Friday, March 27, 2009


As Doug mentioned last night, we do indeed have a cat and he is pretty crazy. Pumpkin's favorite things are 1) people (even those who aren't really very fond of him) 2) his toys 3) any meat in gravy ala Fancy Feast.

Doug pretty much gave you the gist of our crazy cat so I thought I'd share a few pics to let you see just exactly what we mean.

First of all, this is Pumpkin...

and these are Pumpkin's toys.....

I know you are probably wondering why are all of his toys are in his food dish. Well Pumpkin loves to feed and water all of his play things and he will rotate them from food to water daily to make sure they are being properly nourished and hydrated...(and yes Pumpkin considers that balloon that Doug gave me for V-day as one of his toys now...)

We feel very fortunate to have such an awesome, crazy cat and we love him a lot..=

Go Navy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Doug's First Post

I think it is so perfect that Kim started this blog. This is my first post to our blog. Indeed we have had many adventures. I look forward to many more to come and to sharing them with Kim. When we got married on August 25th, 2007, we left San Antonio and moved to Jacksonville, Florida. After six months we moved to Washington where we have been for a year or at least Kim has. I have been deployed in the Navy at least 60 percent of the time. While it is challenging, we are getting used to it and the Lord is teaching us a lot. Something I'm sure Kim will expound on later, I will mention now - about a year and a half ago while we lived in Jacksonville on Halloween of 2007, we found an orange kitten while sort of I guess trick or treating. Anyway, after many zany adventures, the kitten whom we named pumpkin found our way into our hearts as the coolest pet ever. He is a hybrid animal - he is a dog in a cat's body. He does play cat and mouse but also fetch and tag. The most hilarious thing is that he faithfully feeds and waters all of his play toys and mice after playing very rough with them.

Much more to come on this later I'm sure. From Doug and Kim's zany adventures - first post out!! Yes, and I guess Kim has made me the publicist lol!

And so it begins...

All I can say is..what have I done?!?! I now officially have a blog after I told myself many many times that it was not a good idea. I am wondering how much time this will eat up? I am thinking a lot since it took me over an hour to just get this thing set up. (Who knew there would be so many colors and fonts to choose from?!)
Anyway, I am not really sure what most people say on their first blog entry since I've never done this before...but I suppose I'll start things off by saying; thanks for reading and I hope you will enjoy the blog entries yet to come. And if you don't feel free to talk to Doug about it..he's my new publicist...=)